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Texas Library Association - 2016

I was fortunate to have been invited and attended the Texas Library Association 2016 last week in Houston, Tx. My publisher, Progressive Rising Phoenix Press, was there along with several other authors represented under the same. It was wonderful to have been a part of something that big, as well as meeting some of the authors that live out of state.

Since the release of Terminus X, I have been blessed with none other than positive feedback. Not that Hope didn't receive a good response, it was just different. Even I felt better about this book overall, which might have a lot to do with it. Just speaking about Terminus X, I feel better. Looking back, Hope was so long ago, and written over a broad time frame. I was probably three different personalities while that was being put together. I'm now in the process of revising it for a young adult audience. The adult language will be pulled and just cleaned up in general across the board. Hopefully, this will whittle down the three personalities I mentioned.

If you haven't had the chance to read Terminus X, please check it out. You can find it through my publisher (following the link above).

Again, I'm thankful that I have made it this far and am anxious to get busy again and move on with something new. The plan right now is to pursue the sequels to Hope. The plan is a trilogy, hence the other reason it needed to be cleaned up.

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